Safeguarding Updates
16ú Márta 2022
Closure of Vetting Site to New Applications
Our new vetting system will commence on the 31st of March 2022. The system will now be part of Foireann and it is through this system that a coach/mentor will in future apply to be vetted. The new system will permit Children’s Officer access to confirm as to when a person is vetted. The CO will also play a key role by validating the ID Documentation of each club application before it will be processed. Further details will follow at a later stage on the new system, along with a date for a webinar etc.
The memo today is to inform you that the current vetting site will close today Wednesday 16th of March at 4pm. No new applications will be accepted after this date. Please note if an application is made, we cannot guarantee that the application will be processed before the site closes. The applicant therefore may have to submit a new application on the new system when available. The closure of the site it not to create any alarm amongst our members but to allow us to process the applications made in the last week along with the current applications being processed by the Garda National Vetting Bureau.